Our skeleton system helps us stay upright and in position without a doubt. It is indeed a blessing. It gives us the shape we are in. Even more important are joints that allow us to carry out basic but essential day-to-day activities like sitting, walking, moving, twisting, exercising, etc.

However, as is the case with the entire body, joints like knees, elbows, or others are no exception; they are prone to diseased conditions too. Sometimes, our joints wear out over time as a natural consequence of getting older. Other times, it might be because of some external trauma.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the process of Arthroscopy and its benefits along with its importance in the treatment of joints with diseased conditions. 

If you have joint issues, it is going to be very helpful. This read also includes a few tips for healthy joints in the end. So, let’s begin.   

What Is Arthroscopy & How Is It Done?

Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that is performed by an orthopaedist to diagnose and treat joint problems. This process is usually done by bone or joint doctors to look inside a joint having certain issues. 

Joint doctors or surgeons do these surgeries on joints with the help of an arthroscope. A small hole is made through the skin over the affected joint. Then, an arthroscope is put inside the hole to examine the interior of the joint in question. 

An arthroscope is a special tool used by a joint surgeon. The surgeon uses it to look into a joint to find out and then treat an issue. Repairing ligaments, removing loose fragments, or addressing inflammation can be treated effectively with arthroscopy. 

This procedure is performed to diagnose unwanted joint conditions (what is wrong inside the joint) and then treat the issue without making large incisions. Surgeons can treat the prevailing problems once detected with the help of additional special tools used in this treatment.     

When Do You Need Arthroscopy?

A person might need arthroscopy if they have joint issues. If you are currently dealing with joint pain or swelling, this might get an orthopaedist to think of performing arthroscopy if needed. 

If you have any joint issues related to the knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, hip, wrist, etc, you might need this treatment too. Furthermore, joint surgeons can also perform this when they want to know more about the internal conditions of a joint in question. 

Other times, a person needs such arthroscopic treatments in case of the following:

  • Inflammation on joints
  • Ripped or Torn Ligaments
  • Scars around the joint, etc. 

Where Do You Get Arthroscopy Done?

You can only get this treatment from hospitals under the supervision of an orthopaedist who treats disorders or medical issues related to human bones and joints. 

Benefits of Arthroscopy Consider the following advantages of arthroscopic surgeries over the ones involving wide or large incisions. 

Less Postoperative Swelling: Arthroscopy involves the minimum amount of incisions while performing required surgical procedures. It results in less swelling after the surgery. It makes the life of the patient involved less severe post-treatment. 

Reduce Pain: As already stated, arthroscopy means no extended cuts or incisions. Thus, it means less pain and faster recovery. The patient will not have to go through a lot of swelling and associated trouble.

Less Risk of Complications: If we talk about surgeries opposite to ones minimally invasive (requiring less cuts), chances for complications are higher. It is so because surgical procedures resulting in extended exposure often leave the operated part (or joints) of the body highly wounded and it takes longer as compared to arthroscopic surgeries to heal and get back to normal functioning once again. 

Sometimes, there come the complications of infection and arthrofibrosis; arthrofibrosis is a specific complication after a surgical procedure. Thus, as arthroscopy involves the least number of surgical cuts, the chances of complications are always less.   

Reduced Recovery Time: Arthroscopy means the minimum incision or surgical cut. Hence, the recovery time is definitely going to be shorter than otherwise. 

No Longer Institutionalisation: Arthroscopic surgeries for curing joints are not intense in nature. It means less postoperative swelling, reduced pain and reduced recovery time. Thus, it results in staying hospitalised for a shorter period of time. 

No Need for Large or Extended Incisions: Arthroscopy is a blessing in itself as it does not require the involvement of extended cuts. So, it helps a lot for the operated part to heal and return to its normal function easily after the performance of the surgery. 

In case your joints are painful, swollen or inflamed, seek the best arthroscopy treatment in Delhi. 

Let’s Wind Up: Preventive Measures for A Better Joint Health  

Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure. Thus, it is best if you can take care of your joints in advance. It will save you a lot of money, time and resources in the future as your joints will remain healthy and strong for long. The following is recommended if you want healthy joints.  

Don’t carry too much fat: Are you fat? If it is genetic, obviously you aren’t left with many choices. But if it is because of your irregular and unhealthy eating habits, make sure you eat in moderation to keep a healthy and slim body. 

Exercise regularly: Apart from maintaining a healthy weight throughout the body, it is also important that you exercise regularly. First, it helps the blood circulate better throughout your body including joints: the better the circulation, the better the joint health. Even the simplest act of walking daily is a blessing as it helps remove stiffness. 

Don’t overstrain: As it goes, everything is best when done in moderation. Thus, it is also true for exercise. Don’t overdo yourself. If doing it for the first time, exercise slowly and for a short time. 

By the way, as you grow tolerant, you can increase the amount and intensity of your exercise. But, until your capacity to exercise increases, don’t do it for hours on end. 

Pay attention to your diet: It is another crucial aspect of keeping your joints in good condition. Have good food. Pay attention to your diet. Make sure that you have food rich in all the nutrients and essential substances your joints need.

For example, you can start including the following items in your diet: olive oil, dairy products, fish, soy-based foods, leafy green vegetables, cherries, turmeric, etc. Following this advice might improve your joint health. 

Keep your joints in good condition as they are important. If you are having joint issues, make sure you see a good doctor in the field. Make sure that you get the treatment from the best arthroscopic surgeon in Delhi.

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